Name: 5 Ton Flat Body Ram Kit distributor:Snap-on Tools brand:Blackhawk Automotive 新品未使用 ポートパワー用フラット・シリンダー ハンマーで叩けない隙間や筒状部の「へこみ」を内側から押し出せます。 付属のマグネット式アタッチメント(スペーサー)を使い、押し出しが可能です。
キャパシティ:5 Ton ピストン・ストローク:6 mm シリンダー幅:40 mm シリンダー高:32 mm マグネチックアダプター(スペーサー):6.3mm, 12.7mm, 25.4mm, 31.7mm
DESCRIPTION Porto-Power Flat Body Ram is engineered to meet or exceed ANSI B30.1 Standards for performance and safety. This ram is designed for rated capacity lifting, lowering, pushing, spreading and pressing jobs. Porto-Power Flat Body Ram Kit consists of a flat body ram, four magnetic adapters, operator"s manual and a blow molded case. These four pieces of different height adapters ranges from 0.25 inch to 1.25 inch are provided to extend the working height. A wide variety of applications exist for this category of product. Special skill, knowledge and training may be required for a specific task and the product may not be suitable for all the jobs described above. Unsuitable applications would include applications that call for a device to move, level or support persons, animals, hazardous materials, mobile homes / dwellings in general, mirrors and/or plate glass, and/or to connect/secure hatches, components, etc. between bulkheads. The user must make the decision regarding suitability of the product for any given task and therefore accept responsibility for that decision.
Name: 5 Ton Flat Body Ram Kit
distributor:Snap-on Tools
brand:Blackhawk Automotive
キャパシティ:5 Ton
ピストン・ストローク:6 mm
シリンダー幅:40 mm
シリンダー高:32 mm
マグネチックアダプター(スペーサー):6.3mm, 12.7mm, 25.4mm, 31.7mm
Porto-Power Flat Body Ram is engineered to meet or exceed ANSI B30.1 Standards for performance
and safety. This ram is designed for rated capacity lifting, lowering, pushing, spreading and pressing jobs. Porto-Power
Flat Body Ram Kit consists of a flat body ram, four magnetic adapters, operator"s manual and
a blow molded case. These four pieces of different height adapters ranges from 0.25 inch to 1.25 inch are provided to
extend the working height. A wide variety of applications exist for this category of product. Special skill, knowledge and
training may be required for a specific task and the product may not be suitable for all the jobs described above.
Unsuitable applications would include applications that call for a device to move, level or support persons, animals,
hazardous materials, mobile homes / dwellings in general, mirrors and/or plate glass, and/or to connect/secure hatches,
components, etc. between bulkheads. The user must make the decision regarding suitability of the product for any given task and therefore accept responsibility for that decision.
Ram Capacity (tons):5
Stroke (in):0.24
Ram Effective Area (in2):1.1
Oil Capacity (in3):0.26
Collapsed Height (in):1.26 Extended Height (in):1.5
Weight (lbs):5.5
Operating Pressure (psi):9100
Magnetic adapter"s height
Adapter I: 0.25 in
Adapter II: 0.50 in
Adapter III: 1.00 in
Adapter IV: 1.25 in
新品ですが、この手の商品はスレ、キズ、塗装に剥がれなど有る場合がございますので気になる方は入札 をご遠慮下さい。
*こちらの商品はSnap-on Toolsが取り扱いするアイテムです。Snap-on及びBlue-Pointのロゴはござい ません。
*何かと使用頻度の高いハンドツール ・・・・・ ピックツール
*何かと使用頻度の高いハンドツール ・・・・・ トリムパッドツール(内張り)
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